How to find IP Address of your Router on Windows and Linux



Windows has multiple ways to do this. We will see it with the command prompt and the network settings area.

And it would help to know that Windows designates the router as Default Gateway.

Open Command Prompt and type ipconfig and press enter:

The IP address given against the Default Gateway is the one we were trying to find. For instance, mine is

Now let’s try finding this from the network section.

Enter ncpa.cpl in the Run to directly navigate to Network Connections:

Double click the connection name (ex., Ethernet) to access related settings. Finally, click on Details, and locate the Default Gateway.


One of the techniques for the Linux people is to have the router’s IP from the terminal.

Open the terminal, type ip r, and hit enter to find the default IP address.

(this should work for most Linux distros)


Looking up your router’s IP address on Android is a three-step process. The first one is to navigate to the WiFi settings. You can do this from the notification panel by long-pressing the name of your WiFi network. Or, you can enter into Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi.

Afterward, tap the Gear icon (⚙️).

Subsequently, open the Advanced panel, and scroll down to the Gateway to find out the router’s IP address.

However, these steps depend on the Android type you may have. For instance, the preceding steps are valid for stock Android version 10.0.

But a Samsung Android 11.0 user will have to go through this to find the IP address of the WiFi router.

Here, the IP address is in the URL bar, redirecting to the router’s setup page. Conclusively, this might be slightly different based on which Android device you have.

Static and Dynamic IP addresses

Static IP Addresses

These are assigned to specific devices and set to stay the same until they are changed explicitly. Such addresses allow for easier remote access, easy hosting, and more reliable communication overall. Added control and functionality derived out of this more than offsets the additional cost that companies have to pay when they buy IPv4 addresses of the static type.

Pros of Static IP

One of the main advantages of simple server hosting is the simplified nature of subsequent email, web, and FTP server hosting. Aside from that, you also get to lay hands on more expedient remote access, because with each of the options, your IP address is remembered and trusted. Communication becomes more reliable via VoIP, and file transfers move faster.

Cons of Static IP

An unchanging IP address attracts many security issues, by giving potential hackers more time to breach your network. A typical static address also costs more than you would pay someone making a dynamic IPv4 sale, which is why it is rarely included in an internet plan. The setup required there is significantly complex, involving manual configuration of devices using the address.

Dynamic IP Addresses

The network assigns you this type of address when you connect to it, and then changes this periodically. People are attracted to the low-maintenance aspect of this, but it does raise concerns in places where remote access is involved. Dynamic IP’s are the default type.

Pros of Dynamic IP

With a dynamic IP, you need to spend less money and time since your device grabs it automatically. You not only save money this way by paying the bare minimum to your ISP, but also expand the range of simultaneously usable devices, since none of these has to be disconnected to allow room for another.

Cons of Static IP

There is a greater chance of downtime, which is bad in terms of website hosting and VoIP. Geolocation is rendered much less accurate as well. Lastly, you would have your employees spending a lot more time meeting the challenges posed by unsecured remote access.

What is IP failover and why is it useful?


What is IP failover?

Failover IPs are basically moveable IPs from one server to another. Users can switch them over within a few minutes from their consoles. This allows them to keep their site operating without major or long-term interruptions.

The IP failover usually allows you to seamlessly switch to another server or system. This can be used either manually or automatically, depending on your hosting or cloud provider and your preferences.

What are its uses?

You can use an IP failover in various cases. If it’s automated, you can make it so that the system automatically switches to a backup server in the event of a malfunction. Another use is to move an IP from one host to another for bare metal cloud servers. This way you can move about without changing everything every time. Or you can make virtual machines and use failover IP configurations for them to ease your work and configuration.

When you use a manual IP failover feature, this is a way to easily move to a new server when you change it or upgrade it. Depending on the provider, these IPs can also move between datacenters within the same network. As you can imagine, this brings a lot of possibilities for your setup and configuration.

Another option is to use it for hosting multiple projects over more than one server. For example, you can switch over some of the sites to a more powerful server when the load gets higher.

How to check whether or not your IPv6 is working

IP_Address is an open-sourced web site dedicated to helping end users identify whether or not their IPv6 is working; and whether specific detectable errors are found. This is meant to be useful both to end users (with reasonably friendly terminology and explanations); as well as useful to help desks (particularly, the “Help Desk” tab is meant for concise reading over a phone for tech support).

This project is primarily JavaScript based. Most of the work is done in the user’s browser; more specifically, we are actually testing the user’s browser. Any circumstances that affect their ability to use the internet (or any workarounds made by browsers) are found here; and we show the user the end result.

A few parts of this are server-side; including both PHP helper scripts, and a custom Apache module that is crucial to the operation of the JavaScript client. This Apache module (mod_ip) quickly returns to the clients what address was detected, as well as additional details that we need server-side logic to fill (such as type of IP address and ISP name).