What is a vCPU?


A shared vCPU (or Shared Virtual Processing Unit) is a system where the physical central processing unit of a device is assigned to a virtual machine, and it’s called a vCPU or Virtual Central Processing Unit. Shared vCPU is a time-dependent entity which can be assigned to many virtual machines in an organized time slot for individual or shared use.

In most cases, one virtual machine is allotted a one shared vCPU each if there are many vCPU cores present. Each core of a vCPU is monitored by a Hypervisor which is a kind of monitoring device.

Many users can access the allotted logical partitions on the shared virtual processing using according to the given time and volume of use.

Advantages of Using Shared vCPU:

● One vCPU can process the request quickly.

● These CPU units maximize resource utilization.

Shared vCPU machines provide one virtual CPU that is allowed to run for a portion of the time on a single hardware hyper-thread on the host CPU running on your behalf. Using Shared vCPU can be more cost-effective for running small, non-resource intensive applications better than for running standard, high-memory or high CPU intensive applications and tools.

Which Types of Functions can Shared vCPU Perform?

Let us have a quick analysis as to which functions can be carried out using Shared vCPU at present –

● Low traffic web servers

● Discussion forums

● Content Management Systems (CMS)

● Blogs

● Small databases

● Dev/test servers

● Microservices

When do you need to rent a server?


To be clear, you need to rent a server when the needs of your business demand it. The growth of an online business means more traffic (maybe international) needs to be handled. This and other vital tasks require more technical resources, and once you reach that point, renting a server is a good decision.

Pay only for the resources you use

When you rent a server, providers usually offer different plans with varying features. The price is set for the features included in every plan. Therefore, once you choose a plan, you can easily organize your budget. You will pay the same fee every month. With cloud services, you can add features for a limited time, for instance, the month of your biggest yearly sale, and after that month you can get back to your regular plan and fee.

Have modern hardware

Providers are constantly updating their technology to offer the best to their clients. When you rent a server, your provider will be the one investing in the newest and most modern equipment for you to enjoy in exchange for a monthly fee. Using top-notch hardware won’t be a burden for your budget.

Have a complete server even if your business isn’t that big yet

If your business is growing at a consistent pace and you want to get a server anticipating the increasing traffic, you can do it without affecting your budget. There are different plans and  there will be one that suits your needs and budget.

Have redundancy

Providers have entire data centers connected to the fastest and most robust networks to offer you redundancy. They, and not you, will do everything for your website to be constantly available.

Have DDoS protection

Servers are clear targets for criminals. DDoS protection is expensive, but it can be included in your plan when you rent a server. Your security will be strengthened for the monthly fee you are already paying.

Advantages of Dedicated Servers

Superior performance

Even if you chose one of the starter plans you will have a lot more capable computer than most of the shared or cloud solutions. A dedicated server can handle heavy e-commerce sites more easily. You will have the whole power of your device for yourself.

Less expensive than investing in hardware

You have probably thought about getting your own server and having it “in-house”. There are plenty of problems with that. To start, it is not easy to plan your future needs. If you choose the wrong dedicated server, you can still update to a better plan. If you pay for your hardware, it will be expensive and hard to sell in the future.

There are also a lot of worries about the environment in which the server will be. Cloud companies offer you controlled temperature and humidity, guaranteed uninterrupted power supply, and excellent internet connectivity.


For those of you who manage extremely sensitive data like bank accounts, personal health data, ID numbers and more, excellent security is a must. When you have your dedicated server, you can secure it the way you want. Close the ports that you don’t use, install the protection software you like, add secured communication.


Manage it the way you want. Install the OS of your choice, have root access, tweak the system down to the last detail. You can set the perfect environment for your applications and set secured restricted access. The limits are set just by the knowledge of your system administrator.

With our servers, you get full access via an IPMI controller with a separate IP address.


The cloud is great, but you must share it with other users. The worst part is that an attack on some of your “neighbors” on the cloud, can affect you negatively too. You will also have a network dependency with them too. If they have strong traffic it can slow your connectivity.

VPS Hosting vs Dedicated Server Hosting


What is Dedicated server hosting?

Dedicated server hosting means that you will get a whole computer for your hosting needs. All of the components will work just for you. All the cores of the computer, all the memory will not be shared with others. It is the option when you need the best performance and complete control.

It is suitable for big companies that want to provide fast loading for their users. It is also ideal for e-commerce sites that get hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Having complete control allows you to better tweak the device to your needs. You can add more functionality, extra filters, different types of servers (not just website hosting), better monitoring, and more.

Premium quality comes at a higher price. You will need an IT person to manage it and react in case of problems.

What is VPS hosting?

VPS is a slightly cheaper alternative to the dedicated server for hosting. It works in a similar way. The user gets a device with an installed OS for their needs. The big difference is the word VIRTUAL. By choosing VPS hosting you will only get a virtual machine, a part of a bigger real server. You will have a piece of the whole computer, just like the rest of the users. You can expect less performance in comparison to using the whole server just for your needs. You would be able to fix the performance issue by easily updating it to a more expensive plan.

Here again, you will have more control in comparison to a shared hosting solution.

It is faster than the shared hosting. Superuser access, which allows you greater control.

Easy to scale. Usually with just a few clicks you can upgrade it.
It is more expensive than a shared option and a bit cheaper than a dedicated server solution.

You will have less control than the dedicated server and again will need an IT professional for managing it.

What’s a dedicated server?


The dedicated server is an actual, physical server. The client rents the entire machine and gets to use it for whatever projects they want (within the Terms & Conditions of the provider of course).

It means the client doesn’t share the resources with anyone else and the entire server is at their will. The physical machine is in the same data center as the cloud servers. So, it gets to use the same infrastructure and protections. It’s generally a more expensive service than the cloud server for obvious reasons being dedicated to one client only. Being the only user of the machine means full control over it without any worries that you may suffer because of someone else’s mistakes.