VPS Hosting vs Dedicated Server Hosting


What is Dedicated server hosting?

Dedicated server hosting means that you will get a whole computer for your hosting needs. All of the components will work just for you. All the cores of the computer, all the memory will not be shared with others. It is the option when you need the best performance and complete control.

It is suitable for big companies that want to provide fast loading for their users. It is also ideal for e-commerce sites that get hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Having complete control allows you to better tweak the device to your needs. You can add more functionality, extra filters, different types of servers (not just website hosting), better monitoring, and more.

Premium quality comes at a higher price. You will need an IT person to manage it and react in case of problems.

What is VPS hosting?

VPS is a slightly cheaper alternative to the dedicated server for hosting. It works in a similar way. The user gets a device with an installed OS for their needs. The big difference is the word VIRTUAL. By choosing VPS hosting you will only get a virtual machine, a part of a bigger real server. You will have a piece of the whole computer, just like the rest of the users. You can expect less performance in comparison to using the whole server just for your needs. You would be able to fix the performance issue by easily updating it to a more expensive plan.

Here again, you will have more control in comparison to a shared hosting solution.

It is faster than the shared hosting. Superuser access, which allows you greater control.

Easy to scale. Usually with just a few clicks you can upgrade it.
It is more expensive than a shared option and a bit cheaper than a dedicated server solution.

You will have less control than the dedicated server and again will need an IT professional for managing it.

What’s a dedicated server?


The dedicated server is an actual, physical server. The client rents the entire machine and gets to use it for whatever projects they want (within the Terms & Conditions of the provider of course).

It means the client doesn’t share the resources with anyone else and the entire server is at their will. The physical machine is in the same data center as the cloud servers. So, it gets to use the same infrastructure and protections. It’s generally a more expensive service than the cloud server for obvious reasons being dedicated to one client only. Being the only user of the machine means full control over it without any worries that you may suffer because of someone else’s mistakes.

What is a VPS, and what is it used for?


A virtual private server (VPS) is used for hosting websites (e-commerce, content, visual media) and software applications (portals, extranets, collaborative solutions, wikis, CRM). Unlike shared hosting, the data is isolated onto a virtual machine which is dedicated to the user.

The VPS is a perfect compromise between web hosting plans and physical servers, combining reliability with the high performance of a dedicated server — but without the difficulty of managing a server’s physical hardware.

Who can use a VPS?

Using a VPS requires basic knowledge of server administration. It is essential for managing the operating system (Linux, Windows or WordPress) installed on the machine, and configuring the applications.

What are the advantages of a VPS, compared to a dedicated server?

The advantage of a VPS is that you don’t have to worry about hardware management — so you would not need to monitor the status of hard disks, RAM, and CPU.

I recommend using a dedicated server if you want to manage the hardware aspects yourself, build more elaborate architectures, create an infrastructure that includes a private network, and deploy other complex solutions that are not web services.

As a general rule, users with a growing volume of web activity either move up to dedicated servers, or Public Cloud solutions. These services offer more complex, flexible infrastructures that can adapt to a high level of growth.

What is DDoS attack and DDoS Protection?


DDoS attack

Distributed denial of service. There are cyber-criminals who infect and harvest unprotected connected devices – computers, phones and many IoT devices. They create a so-called botnet; this is the network of controlled devices that they can use to start the attack. They sell such a service (DDoS attack) on illegal web markets.Once the attack is purchased, the cyber-criminal activates the botnet and directs massive traffic to the target. The traffic is significant and last for long enough to bring down the network of the victim.

How to protect ourselves from DDoS attacks?

You can stop the DDoS attacks by using a DDoS Protection. It will filter the incoming traffic, halting the malicious one and allowing the regular. It does it by analyzing the requests that come through the DNS servers and blocking the damaged or uncompleted ones.